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(since april 13, 2001)
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Another Bad Teacher
Closed Doors
There's No Excuse for Trick Questions
You Can't Teach Writing by the Numbers
The Dismal Discussion Class
Oh, For a Second Chance!
The Importance of Manuscript Form
Students Teachers Hate
Grade Inflation: The "Customer" Is NOT Always Right!
Note to Students: When Your Reading Assignments Put You to Sleep
Grade Deflation
I Do NOT Want to Hear About a Teacher Shortage!
Does NOT Play Well with Others
Read, Reread, Forget
Let Them Read Sample Essays!
American Kids Really Have Changed
(This link will take you to my "Who's Minding the Children website)
The Mystery Of The Missing Marks:
Some Misconceptions about the Grading of English Essays
(Guest article by Nils Clausson, of the University of Regina in Canada)
Some AP English Teachers Are Actually Wonderful
Blatantly Obnoxious
Plagiarism? What Plagiarism?
How Long Does It Take to Grade an Essay?
Another Route to Grade Inflation
Helping Our Students up the Ladder
Students--Take Care of Business!
Preparing the Ground for Math Success: Games that Familiarize Your Child with Numbers and Numerical Patterns
Using Dice for a Basic Math Facts Practice Game
Just Tell Me I'm Wonderful and Give Me the A, Bitch!
Using Literary Devices to Convey Inner Thoughts and Personal Feelings, or Why Johnny and Jennifer Can't Write about Literature